'It's Ours'

Ubunye's Vision for 2021-2026
Where Communities Lead
in pursuing Sustainable Development that builds Resilience to Climate Change.
Building on our commitment to asset-based community driven (ABCD) development, Ubunye will expand and strengthen our partnership with community leadership structures transforming the way in which we work with them. These structures will lead in identifying local needs and opportunities; ensure programme accountability and feedback on programme progress with communities; and use a built-in system enabling communities to directly adapt and transform programmes.
Contributing to Global Sustainability Efforts
Building on our experience of working systemically at a local level, Ubunye will align its work with global initiatives to tackle issues affecting us all. We will measure our contribution in terms of the Sustainable Development Goal indicators and forge relationships to enable lesson-learning and knowledge sharing.
Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change
Climate change is affecting all of us and rural communities are especially vulnerable. Adaptation and resilience will become a central thread throughout our programmes as we integrate the knowledge and action that is needed to address the challenges of climate change. Drawing on global networks of expertise and the opportunities of new technology, we will partner with communities to co-create resource efficient, self-sustainable solutions grounded in local cultural, environmental and livelihood needs.
Ubunye's on-going collaboration with Department of Health facilities and the Community Health Workers programme give us a strong basis on which to focus on wellness within our communities in line with the SDGs and the promotion of a healthy sustainable environment.
We will support public health initiatives that foster healthy living, including immunisation for the under 5-years, prevention and management of lifestyle conditions such as the Non Communicable Diseases (hypertension and diabetes), and chronic illnesses such as HIV and TB.
Our network of over 200 savings groups offer a unique opportunity for mobilisation around sustainable development. In leveraging these community mechanisms we can work together on lifestyle changes, environmental conservation and open up opportunities for ‘green businesses’ .
This includes improved land use using agro-ecological methods such as aquaponics, locally specific crop cultivation and animal husbandry- all of which have the potential to re-vitalise these communities.
Combining opportunities for digital learning with traditional knowledge and resources we will work with young people to access information and spark interest and action around the environment and sustainable living.
We will build on our well-established network of community-run ECD services and expand through community leadership into primary and secondary schools.
In addition, educational infrastructure will be transformed to use sustainable energy sources, locally produced building materials with locally appropriate land use for sustainable food supplies.