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  • Writer's pictureUbunye

Community spirit and collaboration in Fort Brown

Community spirit and collaboration often rises to the fore during an emergency. This was demonstrated beyond doubt by businesses, NGOs, the community and just people coming together to help a family in Fort Brown overcome disaster.

Makhulu Kuneli is a member of the Fort Brown School Governing Body and devotes her time and efforts to her community and ensuring the school is there for the local children. One evening recently she and her family were aware that the wind that day was dangerous, but they didn’t realise it would completely destroy their house around them. Within seconds they had lost the roof and huge sections of the walls which narrowly missed injuring them.

Noluvo Njadayi Ubunye Foundation’s Field Officer in Fort Brown immediately stepped in to assist. By the next morning Kwandwe Reserve had donated zinc, poles and nails and a team who came and rebuilt the house; Ubunye’s Assistant Director ensured Eskom knew about the electricity pole that had snapped in half and they were there within an hour, Kwandwe Reserve stepped in further and ensured the family had water; Rising Tide led by Jess Shuttleworth donated food and clothes and the Fort Brown Community and neighbours ensured Ma Makulu and her family have somewhere safe to stay and sleep.

It doesn’t get better than this…. THANK YOU to everyone!

In Ma Makhulu’s own words “God bless you guys from the bottom of my heart”

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